Sunday August 23rd – Live-streamed on Zoom –  Kressa Sisu & Oliver Belisle – “The Freedom to Choose Your Story.”

August 23, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday August 23rd - Live-streamed on Zoom -  Kressa Sisu & Oliver Belisle - "The Freedom to Choose Your Story."

Everyone has a story. Our personal narrative impacts every aspect of our lives and creates our future. During this service, Kressa Sisu and Oliver Belisle will explore the concept of our personal story, ask whether it is working for us or not, and consider the possibility of changing it for our betterment.

Kressa Sisu is a certified Nutritionist who has worked in health and wellness for 10 years. Having triumphed over a serious illness, she loves sharing how to live optimally and nurture our mind, body and spirit as we age. Whether during her 20 year career as a Social Worker or in her current work helping seniors declutter and downsize, her mission has always been to advocate for the well-being of others and to find ways to make life easier for the people in her life.

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