Graeme McCreath “The Politics of Blindness”

January 12, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

In his book “The Politics of Blindness – from Charity to Parity”, Graeme explains the reality of being a blind Canadian and solutions to promote people who are blind to full citizenship. Blind people should have R.E.A.L. meaning: R-respect, E-equal opportunity, A-assimilation and L-liberty .

Graeme was born in 1946, in Liverpool, England. Becoming blind at the age of 9 from glaucoma and unsuccessful surgery he attended residential schools for the blind and initially worked as a shorthand typist before going on to train as a physiotherapist. He moved to Canada in 1980 where he now lives with his wife, Christine and their three adult children. Graeme’s message has always been to promote blindness as just an inconvenience not a tragedy.

Music: 295, 121, 327

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