Kimberly Bramadat-Ramsey “Flower Communion: exchange of love and synergy”

April 16, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Kimberly Bramadat-Ramsey "Flower Communion: exchange of love and synergy"

Honoring the UU flower communion, from 1923 by the Reverends Norbert and Maja Capek to our present day exchange of love and synergy.

Kimberly Bramadat-Ramsey was born UU in Winnipeg and now volunteers with youth and OWL sexuality education at First Unitarian Church of Victoria. She is passionate about all types of healing and meditative ecstatic dance, and works as a school educational assistant and a community support worker in the summer. Kimberly is the proud mom of daughter Kisha Raven Bramadat, is married to Michael Ramsey, and is the daughter of Rev. Jane Bramadat.

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