Dana L. Seaborn “Water Communion”

September 10, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Dana L. Seaborn "Water Communion"

Come wade in the water and explore the “communion” part of Water Communion. Communion, from the Latin: “common, ordinary, communal.” Fire Communion, Water Communion, Flower Communion . . . . We Unitarians seem to love our communions. Join us!

D L Seaborn experienced her first water communion at age 5 when she fell into the duck pond at the local park. Her subsequent university studies in psychology and religion prepared her to speak to religious communities; however, her studies did not prepare her for a full immersion baptism in Shawnigan Lake at age 45, when her black lab capsized her kayak. As a result of these, and other, experiences, Dana considers herself to have extensive experience with water communions of various types. Happily, she’s a good swimmer.

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